Labels:text | electronics | screenshot | display | software | font | multimedia software OCR: 162 Where God Went Wrong ... - page 1/3 Author : Silence/Equinox WHERE GOD WENT WRONG is useless, it's the same as ADDQ.W #7,A0 Assembly language is of course the You've got the same problem with MOVE,W x, An purest language Nevertheless, that even existed. which always our beloved 68000 seems affects the high word of to contain a lot of oddnesses. 1 fried An, and with CMP.W #$xxxx, An to gather them to give you a list. which in fact compares #$0000xxxx with An (on a long word), ## Let's begin with some features every - An is only supposed to contain an coder (probably) knows, differences between Datas Mean the address (eh! ) (Dn) and clear Dn, you'll type If e.g. you want to Address (An) registers: MOVEQ #0,00 op CLR.L DO - An is always handled on a long word, You can use But to clear An, as these instructions instead of ADD.W #$1234,80 are forbidden with An, you must write ADD.L #$1234,A0. SUB . L A0,A0 LEA $0.W,A0 It'll yield the same result (unlike Why so much hate ?... In the same way, note that Dn); but it'll take as many bus cycles (unlike Dn again)! So the _instruction TST.L DE ADDQ.L #7,A0 is allowed, but TST.L AG is forbidden (however, it's allowed on HACKMAG IPREV.PAGE NEXT PAGE) &#PRINT PAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS - 1 ARTICLE + 1 ARTICLEW LOAD WHILE - 3 PAGES + 3 PAGES ** READING OH ISSUE #1 - NOVEMBER 191 I FIRST PAGE LAST PAGE >| SOUND ON